Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reiki: Chinese Character Analysis

The above are the characters for Reiki.

The modern Japanese writing system, Kanji  (漢字) uses Chinese characters; kanji literally meaning "Han characters" or "Chinese characters", along with hiragana (the characters that look like squiggle lines) and katakana (which look similar to Chinese characters but not quite). In light of the upcoming intensive workshop, I thought it would be interesting to break down the meaning of the Chinese characters in Reiki.

The first character 霊 (靈)is líng, which is an interesting character. It contains the radical for rain 雨 (  or 霝 líng) on top and the shaman 巫 () radical on the bottom. Together the character can mean spirit, spiritual world, intelligent, Divine, mysterious, or effective.

The second character 气 (氣) is qi. Qi is often translated as "life force or vital energy" or simply "energy." 気 is the Japanese version.

Together it would mean Divine energy or effective energy.

Reiki is the Japanese pronunciation of these characters.

If you are interested in attending a Reiki I,II, & Master intensive with renowned teacher Dale Bach please click here.