Thursday, February 26, 2015

Podcast Episode 3: Interview with Z’ev Rosenberg

Watch as Z’ev Rosenberg discusses medicine and health in a manner that is riveting to laypeople and health practitioners alike. Like all of our shows, it is guaranteed to make you smarter. ;)

Z’ev Rosenberg is a scholar and practitioner of Classical Chinese Medicine, Chair Emeritus at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine – San Diego and Professor at Alembic Institute.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Acupuncture to Balance the Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The chakra system is part of the Hindu/yogic/Tantric traditions of India, while acupuncture originated thousands of miles away in China as part of the traditional Chinese medicine system. Chinese medicine has its own distinct system of energetic pathways. It may seem sacrilege to mix the two, however, we as live in a society where we are exposed to multiple systems, it is only natural that we should incorporate pieces of other systems that serve our ultimate goal of increasing health. Many of our patients practice yoga and a focus on the chakras directly assists their progress in that system. One need only shift the intention to access other levels of energy.

Dr. Mikio Sankey, PhD pioneered a system of acupuncture that works on the chakras called Esoteric Acupuncture. Dr. Judith Andrews, DAOM and I studied this system and have adapted the methods to our practice. This month we offer at Cinnabar Acupuncture a focus on the Muladhara (root/base) chakra.

Physically, the base chakra governs the legs, hips, perineum, and coccyx (tailbone). Balancing this chakra helps alleviate low back pain and issues with the lower limbs. Emotionally and mentally, the base chakra relates to our ability to function in the material world; our ability to survive, to make money, provide for ourselves, and to feel grounded and safe. Spiritually, this chakra grounds the energies of the higher chakras allowing us to experience higher levels of consciousness safely. It is also the seat of the kundalini fire that ascends the spine.

The lunar new year is an excellent time to balance the root chakra to assist manifestation of our new year goals.

This begins our monthly chakra series. Every month we will focus on a new chakra.

To book a root chakra balancing treatment please click here.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Why Marijuana is Not Always Great for Us Girls

Master marketer Cheryl Shuman does a beautiful job promoting product, and is currently spotlighting cannabis. For example, Shuman advocates a little marijuana for us working gals at the end of the day to help us unwind. Before you run out and get some, however, it is a good idea to learn how to balance cannabis use, as it can be a little harsh on women.

Properties of Marijuana

Hemp seeds (huo ma ren, 火麻仁), have a neutral, moistening effect and are used for constipation due to fluid deficiency. In contrast, the marijuana (huo ma, 火麻, literally “fire herb”) used for fun and medicine is heating in nature. This quality is exacerbated by its traditional method of administration; smoking. Marijuana use depletes yin; the grounding, purposeful, cooling, and moistening functioning in our bodies and psyches. Loss of yin hurts both genders but is harder on women. We already tend to get yin and fluid deficient as we age.


Regular marijuana use tends to cause menstrual imbalances. This is because it tends to cause pathogenic heat and deplete yin fluids. Periods may come too early or erratically. There may be excessive bleeding or spotting. Cervical mucous and vaginal fluids, necessary for fertility and healthy sex, may dry out. If you use cannabis on a regular basis it is a good idea to use cooling and moistening herbs to balance this. An example of a mild herb with these properties is go ji berries (gou qi zi, 枸杞子).

The Skin

Abundant yin is necessary for plump, smooth, glowing skin. The lung organ is also directly associated with skin health, meaning anything that injures the lungs, injures the skin. Besides burning off yin, regular cannabis use leaches Vitamin C from the skin. Skin can thin and wrinkle prematurely. Try to consume cannabis in a manner that bypasses the lungs and be sure to apply Vitamin C regularly to your skin.

With these tips you can balance your occasional dabble with marijuana and do it safely.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Podcast Episode 2: DIY Chinese Astrology

The Four Pillars of Destiny offers a more through reading in Chinese Astrology. A quick tutorial on how to start reading for yourself.

Free chart software:

Detailed Chart Software:

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Episode 2: DIY Chinese Astrology

The Four Pillars of Destiny offers a more through reading in Chinese Astrology. A quick tutorial on how to start reading for yourself.

Free chart software:

Detailed Chart Software:

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